I know I just posted something two days ago, but I had such a great night hooping that I have to post before the excitement wears off. First of all- weather conditions are- finally- NOT RAINY. Its about 26C/79F and 84% humidity, which means you break a sweat just standing outside, so hooping today was SUPER sweaty.
I think the most exciting thing of the night was that I figured out some music that I was really able to get down to. I recently downloaded Cheb I Sabbahs La Kahena and La Ghriba La Kahena Remixed. The music is tribal, diverse, spirtual... its amazing... beautiful female vocals. If you have not listened to this music, please try to get your hands on it!
The other two great things of tonight were....
1. I can shimmy the hoop from my waist to my neck. Now, about that- I have piercings on the back of my neck. Three horizontal piercings. The barbell is surgical tubing for each one. I havent decided if I am going to take them out yet. If I intend to hoop on my neck, they need to go. I can hoop on my neck with them in, and the pain is minimal but... the hoop is dirty and the piercings need to stay clean and all in all its just an accident waiting to happen.
2. I can chest hoop!!!!!!!!!!! kind of. When I told Deanne that I was having trouble keeping my butt from shaking when I was trying to chest hoop, she mentioned that when she trained that she spend alot of time kneeling down to practice. I didnt want to kneel in the dirt at the park, so I just sat on this big rock and gave it whirl. Much to my surprise, at the first go I was chest hooping. I kept doing this, and was really aware of the different movement that my body really needed to make to keep the hoop up. When I tried to stand up, with my new heighten awareness, the hoop just fell down again. I had to try multiple times of sitting on the rock chest hooping, then trying it standing up before I could get my butt to stop shaking. Eventually, I was able to keep it up there for awhile. All that practicing my back a bit sore, so I stop before I was ready to stop... I try to listen to my body and not overwork myself... but man, I really wanted to keep going. I cant to get out there tomorrow and see if I can do it again.
And finally, I invited Mel and Aeravi to the park with and brought my hoop -of course-. On the way there, I was stopped by a hooper from Vancouver BC named Krista, who was looking for Deanne. Didnt know where she was, but it was nice to meet a fellow hooper out on the street. Then I walk a little ways into the park and...low and behold, who do we run into, Deanne and Mark.... and then along comes Leila and her friend as well. It was great to see them, inspiring to watch. Didnt hoop as much as I had planned as I ended up chatting more than hooping, but it was fun evening anyway.
1 comment:
Piercings Rock! I just wanted to say since we all share a love for piercings don't forget each year National Piercing Day falls on May 16th. It was started in 2007 by a guy named Dave at http://www.GoofyAuctions.com but it's really neat! But anyways, I thought this blog would be a neat place to help spread the word of NPD! Here is a youtube link that shows some piercings being done and explains a little more about the holiday:
But it rocks! A day just for us!
The Pierced and the Piercers!
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